Just Finished Reading (Lean Edition)

Lean Software Development : An Agile Toolkit, Mary Poppendieck and Tom Poppendieck. An excellent resource on how the lean principles from product manufacturing can be applied unto software development. A good overview of content can be found in their 2002 paper here (pdf) and the Wikipedia article on Lean. Overview Each chapter in the book describes several “thinking tools” for the 7 Lean Principles. Eliminate waste describes how to identity and remove waste in order to maximize the flow of the value stream. [Read More]

Just finished reading...

The Passionate Programmer: Creating a Remarkable Career in Software Development (Chad Fowler) and The Pragmatic Programmer (Andrew Hunt and David Thomas). I wish I had read The Pragmatic Programmer earlier in my career as it provides an excellent overview of many good practices in software development. Reading this a couple of years ago would have avoided/shortened many a learning experience. The Passionate Programmer is a truly inspiring book, and comes highly recommended if you [Read More]

Developer Podcasts

I’ve found podcasts a good way to spend your time when you’re stuck in traffic - here’s a list of my favourite developer podcasts in alphabetical order : .NET Rocks - still one of the best podcasts out there. The banter is fun to listen too, and they have a wide variety of guests and topics on .NET. Also presents a large (but fun) challenge in catching up on previous episodes with more than 400 episodes recorded. [Read More]